The Sir Firoz Khan and Lady Viqarunnisa Noon Educational Foundation
Posted on 21 April 2020 by Noon
Prime Minister’s COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Fund-2020
High Commission’s Exclusive Account with United Bank Limited (UBL) UK | High Commission for Pakistan London
Dear Community Member, I am reaching out to you at a critical time when the Pandemic Coronavirus has brought the entire world to a virtual standstill inflicting heavy losses on human lives and economy. In view of the ongoing global crisis, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan has set up a COVID-19 PANDEMIC RELIEF FUND-2020 to combat the economic impact of the disease in the country and to provide support for the poor and vulnerable segments of Pakistani society. In my earlier message, 12 days ago, the details of the dedicated account with National Bank of Pakistan were indicated. However, to facilitate Pakistani community in the UK, the High Commission has opened an exclusive account with the United Bank Limited (UBL), London with the approval of the Government of Pakistan.
The Pakistani community can directly deposit their contributions in this account, details of which are opposite.
While Pakistani Community Members are extending support in kind for which the Government and I are indebted, deposits to the above-mentioned Relief Fund would be of significant value and impact on the lives of the families in need. Given the size of our Community in the UK, your generous contributions to the Fund can greatly assist the Government of Pakistan in its undertaking to effectively combat the pandemic and provide relief to the economically less privileged population of the country.
For details of the account established by the Government of Pakistan, please visit:
I wish you and your family best of health and safety!
Date: 13 April 2020
Posted on 17 May 2018 by Noon
In conversation with Malala Yousafzai & Syed Babar Ali
An interactive discussion with two of the leading advocates of education in Pakistan. This talk will focus on the challenges Pakistan’s marginalized populations—notably minorities, women and low-income communities—face in accessing quality education and how institutions and individuals can help ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all.
Posted on 12 January 2018 by Noon
Why Trump freezing aid for Pakistan is a bad idea
President Trump’s decision last week to suspend almost all security aid to Pakistan, which quickly followed his accusation that Pakistan had “given us nothing but lies and deceit,” suggests that his administration is carrying out the hard-line approach that the president foreshadowed in August.
Posted on 19 December 2017 by Noon
Universities to introduce course to counter extremism
Alarmed by the rising trend of extremism in students, Pakistan’s top universities gathered in Islamabad to discuss their role in countering the threat of radicalisation and instilling peaceful ideology, writes Sana Jamal for Gulf News.
As many as 80 university vice-chancellors attended the conference on “the role of universities in advancing national narrative to counter violence, extremism and terrorism” last Monday, organised by the Islamic Research Institute of International Islamic University, in collaboration with the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
Please the read full article here.
Posted on 22 July 2017 by Noon
PhD scholars protest lack of jobs
Members of the PhD Doctors’ Association Pakistan staged a protest demonstration last week against the Higher Education Commission for failing to provide them with regular jobs, writes Muhammad Faisal Kaleem for the Daily Times.
Please read the entire story here.
Prime Minister's Covide Pandemic Relief Fund 2020
The Pakistani community can directly deposit their contributions in this account, details of which are as follows:
Account No.: 02303801
Sort code: 60-91-70
Name of Bank: United Bank Limited (UBL) UK
